Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hilarious April Fool's Joke on IGN

I just found the fake trailer IGN did for a Legend of Zelda movie...It looked really good, and it makes me sad it's not real. Go here to watch it.

Upcoming games that will be awesome

This summer features the release of some pretty awesome games, for both the casual and the hardcore gamer.

For Wii owners who also have WiiFit, and have been looking for a more hardcore workout, then EA Sports Active is the game for you. The fitness game feels like a personal trainer and comes with resistance bands and a leg strap for the nunchuck. The balance board can also be used for this game. From the feedback I've heard about WiiFit, it's not quite the workout people thought it would be. EA Sports Active looks ready to fill the spot of hardcore workout game for the Wii. The game releases May 19. Check out the EA Sports Active home Web site for more information.

For the hardcore gamer or Batman fan, Batman: Arkham Asylum releases June 23, and looks to be amazing. The visual look of the game is very dark, which is appropriate for the setting. The game is based inside Arkham Asylum, and Batman must fight his way through many of the villains he helped put there to get to the Joker. There is a complete site set up for the game that shows the visual look and action, as well as going through the storyline. The site also offers trailers for the game. XBox 360 and PS3 owners can most likely download a playable demo for the game now.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The fun that is "Eternal Sonata"

A friend let me borrow Eternal Sonata recently. Namco-Bandai published, the game is an RPG on the XBox 360 and PlayStation 3, featuring a beautiful soundtrack, colorful and cheerful visuals, and a battle system that I enjoyed from the minute I picked up the controller.

Eternal Sonata features characters that are all named after some aspect of music. I haven't gotten very far into the game yet, and I've encountered Polka, Allegretto, and Beat, as well as composer Frederic Chopin. The world the player explores seems to be the world inside of Chopin's head, who is suffering from an illness that keeps him in an unconscious state.

From the opening scenes, the music creates the feel of the world, and that is of a quirky, colorful, yet elegant world. Rather than your run-of-the-mill game music, the music has a classical feel to it. Apropos considering the game involves Chopin and the world inside his head.

The visuals of the game are a contrast to some of the themes introduced. Vibrant colors abound, with even the underground or night scenes possessing colors that seem cheerful somehow. I love the costumes that the characters have as well. Each has their own look, and it varies based on their personality.

When the semester is over, I'm going to sit down and give this game the attention it deserves. From what I've played so far, I'm a little confused, but completely loving it. Updates later after I've beaten it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Movie Games, are they good?

I cannot remember how many times people ask me about movie games. You know, the games that are released the same time as the movie, with the same name?

"So, is this a good game?"
Me: "Well, it has its good points, but overall...well, did you like the movie?"
"Yeah! It was great."
Me: "Don't ruin it by playing the game then. It's horrible."

In general, movie games do not have the same amount of time spent on them that others do. Also, the do not have the freedom to make their own plots...because they have to follow the movie.
The mechanics tend to be the basic platforming type game, which is well and good when done right.

If you want to play a fun platforming game, go for something like Ratchet and Clank, or the Jak and Daxter series. These two are great platformers with original characters and a well-thought out plot and execution of actions.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Guitar Hero Metallica PS2

Guitar Hero Metallica releases this week for the PlayStation 2. Guitar Hero or Metallica fans, prepare to rock.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My New Favorite Movie

When it came out in theatres, I really wanted to see Baz Luhrman's Australia. After seeing some of his previous movies, I felt certain I would like this one. Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman are some of my favorite actors, and they certainly didn't disappoint in this movie. Australia was epic, tragic, beautiful, heart-wrenching, and hopeful. Visually and musically gorgeous, the movie draws you deeply into the story.

When we are first introduced to Lady Ashleigh, (Nicole Kidman), we see her as a weak, useless woman whose only concern is selling Faraway Downs in Australia to get her husband to come home. After she arrives and finds her husband murdered, Lady Ashleigh makes the decision to stay and see the work on Faraway Downs finished.

Hugh Jackman plays a cattle drover who is pivotal to her success. A little rough around the edges, he seems to be concerned only with being free to follow his own path and the job. As the movie progresses, we see that isn't true. Jackman and Kidman's characters are drawn together by Nullah, an Aboriginal half-breed they both love.

Set in Australia with war about to break out between Japan and the U.S., Australia is a moving epic tale that is a wonderful, all around experience.

Monday, April 6, 2009

"Moon Princess" Fable in Okami

Another "Okami" post. I know. However, after finding a collection of Japanese myths and folktales, I found a story in that book which I remembered from "Okami". The legend of the Moon Princess is one that is widely known in Japan. To summarize, a poor bamboo-cutter is out one night, and sees a bamboo stalk that has a radiant light coming from it. He cuts it open, and sees a beautiful baby girl. He takes her home to his wife, and they raise the child. As the child grows, she becomes famous for her beauty and radiance, with kings and commoners alike in love with her. The day comes when Kaguya-hime (Moon Princess) is summoned back to the moon. she does, but leaves behind a garment to remind her guardians of her love for them.

"Okami" uses this legend for one of the stages in the game, and the details are very accurate. A humorous element is even mixed in by making the princess have rabbit ears, referencing another popular Japanese myth; the rabbit in the moon legend goes along with the Moon Princess legend. The player must find the princess and free her from the evil emperor, so she can return to the moon.

So, yet another reason to check out "Okami". You can get a literary education.